Inventory Transfer Made Secure and Simple

The Transfer Inventory feature is designed specifically to simplify the processes of transferring inventory items to other warehouses in your business or within your organization. For those who use our Warehouse Inventory System’s Enterprise Solutions and Multi-Site Management System, this feature simplifies the inventory items transfer process to just a few clicks, eliminating much of the traditional overwhelmingly laborious work of inventory data entry, while conserving the inventory information of the items being transferred in the system database. Our Barcode Warehouse Inventory System is designed to be intuitive and user-friendly, making it easy to use for everyone in your organization, no matter what their experience is with technology.

warehouse inventory transfer request

Initiate a Transfer Request on Our Warehouse Management System (WMS)

Regardless of security access, a user initiates the transfer process by entering the account information. They then need to choose a warehouse location of both the origin and receiving ends of the transfer. The person requesting the item transfer may also specify a scheduled date of transfer.

This is done before selecting the inventory and amount that is to be transferred. This gives you complete control over the transfer’s order fulfillment processes. This can also be done on-site or on the move if the warehouse is using our cloud-based wms.

Maximum Visibility for Managerial Staff in Our WMS

For the department heads or designated system administrators in your business and warehouses, they are granted the ability to approve the warehouse inventory transfer requests and are the ones who can transfer items in and out of the systems.

What the Inventory Transfer Transaction Looks like in Our WMS

Users with access to transfer out warehouse inventory items can navigate to Transfer Out in the side menu to finish the process of relocating the items. Once all relevant information is confirmed and making changes, if necessary, the manager or system administrator can click on Process to officially transfer the inventory to another warehouse. That includes fields such as dates, request numbers, account and location details, quantities and more.

Transferring Inventory in From a Different Warehouse Location in Our WMS

The WMS Transfer Inventory feature works the same way when transferring inventory in and out of the system, with a few key differences. When transferring inventory into the local system, users with designated access would be able to specify unique identifiers, expiration dates, costs and so on when needed.

See how Our Warehouse Inventory Management can work for you!

Schedule a demo to see how our System can transform your organization.

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