View Historical Inventory
In our Inventory System, users can look back in time to view and compare previous inventory data. The Historical Inventory feature helps you answer two questions. “what were my inventory levels on a certain date?” and “how does it compare to either today or another date?”
How Historical Inventory Works
Watch to see how the Historical Inventory feature works in our Inventory System.
Benefits of Using the Historical Inventory Feature
Access the recorded Inventory level data from a specific date in history
Compare Inventory data between two dates
Generate configurable reports on historical Inventory data
Match audits to the system data to confirm, or deny, the historical data
Detect Trends Before They Happen
In order to detect trends, it is important for users to compare historical inventory data between certain dates. Luckily, our inventory system can quickly pull all the information necessary for you to make the strategic decisions. These decisions are based on your previous inventory usage.
Generate Reports
The Historical Inventory feature enables users to create reports based on previously recorded history. So, users can access inventory data from a chosen date and simply create reports! Each report can include inventory-related fields such as Description, Cost, Location, Expiration Date, and Quantity. Once creating the report, simply print, email, or export the report for easy distribution.
Show or Hide Inventory Items
Say a user chooses to compare Inventory levels between two dates. In that case, they will have the option to “Hide No Variance Inventory”. This will stop the variance between stock items from showing when it registers no difference between two dates.