How to Set Up Signature Capture in Our Warehouse Management System
With the Signature Capture feature in our Warehouse Inventory System Mobile App, employees can improve their reliability and accountability as well as prepare themselves for future audits ahead of time. The Warehouse Signature Capture feature provides an extra layer of verification for each transaction that an employee makes on the Warehouse Barcode Inventory System, allowing them to document their work on the go.
Where to Enable the Signature Capture
1In the Admin Menu, you will find the option for Mobile Device settings. You will be able to set up the Signature Capture feature on Mobile Devices through this option, whether your employee is using a smartphone or an assigned signature capture device compatible with our system.
Specifying Settings for Signature Capture for Transactions
1Our Warehouse Management System (WMS) gives your system administrators the choice of specifying settings for the Signature Capture feature. You or an authorized user can choose if a signature is required or optional on specific transactions. This can be changed at any time to suit your warehouse’s needs.
How Signature Capture Works on the Mobile Application
We also have a Warehouse Inventory System Mobile App that works in tandem with our WMS, making it easier for your employees to access the system! Compatible with both iOS and Android devices, you can use your smartphone as a signature pad.