Asset Blueprint Layout

See a Floorplan of Available Assets

Get Started

Visualize Your Asset Items on a Floorplan

Our Barcode-Based Asset Tracking System includes a Blueprint Feature to increase control by enabling the system users to visualize the physical location of their available Asset items. It is designed for users to see a blueprint and search for where items are located within that floorplan. Once an Asset item has been located, a simple click will let the user see all of the details of that item in order to create a more efficient use of time and a smarter allocation of resources.


Watch and learn how the Layout module will allow users to easily find the exact Asset item and the quantities that are available at any particular location.

Video Thumb

Administrator Abilities

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  • Add specific addresses of warehouses, buildings, factories, etc 
  • Attach photos of the locations for better recognition 
  • Upload a floor plan, or blueprint, of each location 
  • Set security levels in order to control what certain users can see

User Abilities

  • See exact location of Asset items on a floor map
  • Choose to view the map in either terrain or satellite view
  • Drag the Pegman onto the map to open street view
  • View total quantity of available Asset items 
  • Filter the view by either site, building or floor view
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