April 21, 2020

Boost Employee Productivity During Crisis: Prepare for a Seamless Barcode Tracking Solution Implementation

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In challenging times, it’s easy for businesses to postpone major projects. However, the current crisis presents a unique opportunity to invest in your future. By preparing for a barcode tracking solution implementation now, you can ensure your employees remain productive and your organization is ready to hit the ground running when operations fully resume.

3-Step Plan for a Successful Barcode Tracking Implementation

This comprehensive plan outlines actionable steps for different employee categories:

1- Designated Employees: (Project Managers, IT Staff, etc.)

  • Research: Dive into resources like “The Buyer’s Guide to a Barcode Tracking Solution” to gain a thorough understanding of the benefits and features available.
  • Compare: Create comparison sheets for different barcode tracking solutions, evaluating factors like cost, functionality, scalability, and ease of use. Use resources like page 46 of the e-book for guidance.
  • Participate in Demos: Engage with solution providers in one-on-one live demonstrations to see the systems in action and ask questions specific to your organization’s needs.

2- Administrators/Organizational Leaders:

  • Evaluate: Review the comparison sheets prepared by designated employees and discuss the pros and cons of each solution.
  • Participate in Follow-Up Demos: Join additional demonstrations to ensure the selected system aligns with your organization’s specific requirements and goals.
  • Make the Decision: After careful consideration, choose the barcode tracking system that best fits your budget, needs, and future growth plans.

3- Daily Users: (Warehouse Staff, Inventory Managers, etc.)

  • Watch Training Videos: Familiarize yourselves with the chosen solution’s features and functionalities through training videos provided by the vendor.
  • Research Best Practices: Explore online resources and industry guides to learn best practices for using barcode tracking systems in your specific roles and environment.
  • Prepare for Implementation: Be ready to embrace the new system and actively participate in the rollout process once it begins.

Benefits of Proactive Preparation

By investing time and effort now, your organization will reap significant benefits when implementing your barcode tracking solution:

  • Smooth Transition: A well-prepared team reduces the risk of disruptions and ensures a seamless integration of the new system.
  • Maximized Efficiency: Employees who are familiar with the system can quickly utilize its features, maximizing productivity and efficiency gains.
  • Reduced Costs: Minimizing downtime and errors during implementation translates to cost savings for your organization.
  • Competitive Advantage: By staying ahead of the curve, you’ll be well-positioned to adapt to changing market conditions and outperform competitors.

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