Educational Institution “Checks Out” our Asset Tracking System.

Industry: Education
Key Challenges
- Outdated tracking system
- Only could track from one location
- Lacking product visibility
- Could track from anywhere
- More efficient tracking technology
- Check-out/in features
- Greater cost savings
Company Overview: Okanogan School District
The Okanogan School District (OSD) is a district in Okanogan, Washington. They are dedicated to the safety and security of their students, fostering a proper learning environment above all else. With a creed that promises inclusivity and the programs to back it up, OSD tries its hardest to truly be a home for its students.
With their mantra being “Celebrate the past, embrace the present, shape the future,” OSD gets at the core of what their educational facilities are all about, facilitating the creation of the minds that will be the leaders of our future generations.
The Challenge
Before stumbling onto our cloud-based solution, they did not have any method of asset management for schools. Instead, they would simply write down whenever they were checking out a laptop or other important asset to their hundreds of students and keep track of their transactions like that.
They realized that this type of track was simply not sustainable. The School needed a system that they could access at anytime from anywhere with internet access. Also, facing regular audits, they needed a system that would accurately portray their tracking information.
Okanogan School District simply needed help tracking their assets in general, whether they be laptops, furniture, documents, or any assets they had. So they set out scouring the internet for the perfect Asset Tracking System to fit their needs, and eventually, they landed on ASAP Systems.
Why OSD Chose Our Asset Management for Schools
The first reason is obvious. We had the functionality they needed to track all of their laptops efficiently and easily. Our specialized asset tracking system for the Education Industry did everything they desired in terms of features and configurability. Plus, our Mobile App allowed them to track their laptops from anywhere, and they did not have to buy any extra hardware to do that.
However, that was not all. Once again, our Mobile App allows them to save hardware costs by using their personal devices to track their assets rather than having to buy extra hardware.
How OSD Used Our System
The training for the software was quick and easy. After entering all of the laptops into the system, they were able to get to work using the Check-out and Check-in feature that allowed them to send out laptops to the students. They also took advantage of our tracking history feature to keep track of everywhere that their assets went so come time for audits, they were fully prepared with all of their information together.
The Results
At the end of the day, Okanogan School District was able to use our system to bolster their tracking, allowing them to pass their audits and track their laptops with ease. We helped them save money with our system’s Mobile App that allowed them to track from anywhere with internet access without having to buy new scanners specifically for the task at hand.
Now OSD never has to worry about losing track of any items again, saving them time and money.