ASAP Systems Inventory & Asset Tracking Software Helps Contracting Company

Red Dirt Measurement and Control – RDMC
Red Dirt Measurement and Controls LLC provides a wide range of exceptional instrumentation and electrical services for the Oil and Gas industry. Dedicated to providing the state-of-the-art design, installation and repairs, Red Dirt Measurement and Controls, LLC is located in El Reno, Oklahoma, United States and is part of the Contracting Industry. Red Dirt Measurement and Controls (RDMC) needed ASAP Systems’ Inventory and Asset-Tracking Solution to give them full visibility of their tools, machinery, and trucks while also helping them save money by managing their extra inventory.
With hundreds of line items that range in sizes and gauges, RDMC has to manage of a lot of inventory buildup of extra supplies that are not used on jobs and keep track of the important assets that they use for future projects. The problems that they wanted to solve were the lack of asset and inventory controls for income generation and ability to control their job costs and re-allocated material for the next projects.
RDMC must keep track of electrical parts that are being used in the infrastructure they work on. Within our Inventory system and asset tracking, they track their assets, which include tools and machinery, where they need to be located within in a specific truck, and what job they are being used at. The types of electrical supplies that they use and track within our system are wire, conduit, fittings, cable trays, etc. They try not to carry inventory; however, they gain inventory from left over items ordered from jobs. The left-over items were not tracked or accounted for before and therefore the project managers continued to order the same number of materials for the next job, further exacerbating the problem.
Now that Red Dirt Measurement and Controls, LLC uses our system, they never have to worry about purchasing the same items twice. Our system saved RDMC a lot of money by giving them full visibility of how much extra inventory they have from previous jobs to use for their next projects.
RDMC has 23 total employees across all of its locations. Our system allows them to track their inventory and assets at multiple locations and provides the ease to capture the correct inventory counts. We provide all our customers, including RDMC, with a simple Barcode solution that is User-Friendly for all employees along with training and support.
Our Inventory and Asset Tracking Solution directly impacts RDMC’s future business objectives, “by capturing all costs associated with COGS [costs of goods sold]” (RDMC employee). Their organization also plans to use the system in the long-term by continuing, “to expand into other manufacturing that will have a more permanent inventory and re-order points” (RDMC employee).