Asset Tracking for Schools

Gain efficient Asset Management on valuable Schools' Assets within one or multiple campuses.
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School Asset Tracking System

Our School Asset Tracking System uses barcode scanners to accurately track school district educational resources such as laptops, tablets, furniture, tools, and lab equipment. Your school’s daily operations will thrive using our School asset management system to check out classroom sets of instructional material/equipment and instantly know the location of the resources and their respective return dates.

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Schools-Focused Asset Tracking System - Video

Efficiently track Assets within multiple campuses and classes with our world’s best Asset Tracking System. Watch how our School Asset Tracking System fulfills all asset management needs in the education-focused industry. Save time, money, and increase accountability with quick access to the whereabouts of assets throughout school districts.

Schools Asset Tracking Top Features

School Districts Assets Check Out and In

Active Directory

Advanced Security on Asset Transactions

Asset Tracking Multi-site functionality

Due dates on equipment returned

Schedule and perform maintenance

Our Schools Asset Management Case Study

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Read a Case Study on Balsz School District

Control educational resources including mobile devices, IT gear, furniture, and records at five school campuses.

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Learn more about how our Barcode Asset Tracking System streamlines Schools’ daily tracking procedures!

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