Inventory System and Asset Tracking Solution

Inventory & Asset Tracking for Chemical Supplies


Welcome to ASAP Systems! We are a full barcode Inventory and Asset tracking solution for all types of organizations. Keep watching to find out how we helped an extermination company like Modern Exterminating Company take full control of their inventory system and asset tracking.

Modern Exterminating Company (MEC) has to keep track of over 100 Stock and Asset line items including pesticides, equipment, materials, and supplies. They used to experience a lot of supply misplacement and loss so they needed to find a solution that would allow them to have more asset and inventory accountability, security, and protection.

MEC realized that they needed more visibility and accountability of their inventory and asset items.
Their main goal was to make sure the Asset and Stock items were actually being used for the jobs and not being misplaced or taken.
They wanted to be able to check their inventory in real-time; tracking chemical usage without having to reach out to the technicians.

Today, MEC uses our system to ensure that their pesticides and repair materials are being used for jobs; to track them with more control, accountability, and security; and to track the usage of the items as they are being sent out with employees. Our system also provides MEC with Low Inventory Alerts so they don’t run out of inventory before a job And Scheduled Reporting to see who had which items and where they took them.

Equipment can be expensive and a lot of companies and businesses are very concerned about their equipment being misplaced or stolen. Luckily, MEC took full advantage of our Simple Bar-Cloud Solution to make sure their products were being tracked properly and claimed that our system “has saved [them] tens of thousands of dollars on chemical inventory” (MEC Employee).

Give us a try and schedule your one-on-one demo with us today! Invest in your future with ASAP Systems. And of course, stay tuned for more videos detailing the cutting-edge Inventory and Asset Tracking technologies and benefits we offer!

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