Inventory System and Asset Tracking Solution

Newly Enhanced Fields Configuration for Inventory System & Asset Tracking


This latest enhancement increases accuracy and streamlines data management within the barcode system 


BarCloud has significantly improved the configuration of its Custom Fields. This widespread enhancement is applied to optimize workflows, refine data processing and enable organizations to reach a new level of quality and productivity in both inventory and asset management.  

The latest update answers the common challenge of data entry. The daunting and overwhelming task of filling field boxes is now smoother as admins can choose which custom fields are “required”.  


User Level  

  • Simplified Data Entry: Focus only on essential information, as non-required fields can be left blank, speeding up data input. 
  • Reduced Errors: Clearer guidance on which fields are mandatory minimizes the chance of missing critical details. 
  • Faster Inventory Checks: Streamlined data collection during inventory counts or asset audits. 


Admin Level 

  • Tailored Data Capture: Precisely define the information needed for each item, ensuring consistency and relevance. 
  • Data Quality Control: Enforce required fields to prevent incomplete or inaccurate data from entering the system. 
  • Flexible Configuration: Adapt the system to evolving business needs, adding or adjusting required fields as processes change. 
  • Improved Reporting: Generate reports with greater accuracy and granularity based on complete and standardized data. 


The refined Picklist functionality allows for a tailored user experience, providing a clearer understanding of inventory and asset data. This update directly addresses common operational challenges, leading to significant time and cost savings for businesses. 


 BarCloud is a market leader in Inventory System and Asset Tracking Solutions that uses Barcode technology with mobile, smartphones, and tablets. They help improve profitability by eliminating manual data entry, paper files and forms, and by automating record keeping. With their powerful system, businesses have 24/7 access to the location and status of their Inventory and Assets, whether they are in the warehouse, on the field, or in the office. They have offices in California (headquarters), and Chicago. 

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