ASAP Systems, a Californian barcode-based Inventory System and Asset Tracking |provider for businesses of all sizes and a vast number of industries, like government, academics, Fire-EMS Departments, Stockrooms, military organizations and much more.
Hello and thank you for joining me for this training video. Today we will be covering the new homepage for the Stock side. The new page is highly configurable, so let’s dive in. Welcome to the new homepage. In the default layout, it is very simplistic and minimalist, but this is where each user has the ability to tailor the look and layout to their exact needs.
We will start by pressing the ‘Customize My Page’ button to open the configuration panel. Here users can choose the number of columns to break the data into and the font size they prefer. Each of the panels will contain different data and can be further configured. In this example, we are going to set the page to 2 columns on the large text and select Graphs and Charts, snapshot, favorite reports, and recent transactions. Users will have the option of having the system auto arrange the panels, or the user can drag and drop them as needed. The additional configuration options will be in the bottom right corner.
The ‘Favorites’ icon is brand new and will be an area where users can set their most-used files, transactions, History sections, and more. Adding and removing items to this list is done with a single click without the need to refresh or re-log.
Thank you for joining me for today, be sure to check out the rest of our training videos for any other questions.