Inventory System and Asset Tracking Solution

Auditing More Accurate and Efficient for Hickam Air Force Base’s Supplies Using ASAP Systems Inventory System and Asset Tracking solution.

San Jose, CA (December 3, 2013)—Hickam Air Force Base, a powerful presence of national security for the United States with over 2,850 acres and valued at more than $444 million, has dramatically improved their inventory operation by successfully tracking hundreds of supplies and assets using ASAP Systems’ Inventory System and Asset Tracking Solution.

Prior to using our Inventory System and Asset Tracking Solution t, Captain John Fowler, IT Consultant and Coordinator of the Critical Care Air Transport Team at Hickam Air Force Base was utilizing an inefficient manual system which ignited many standalone problems, one of which was limited visibility on when to reorder inventory.

Hundreds of supplies and assets valued at millions of dollars needed to be tracked, all of which had to be at one hundred percent operational readiness as needed. As important missions approached ever closer, and without a way to track over six hundred thousand dollars’ worth of supplies, there was a need for a solution to accurately track and make sure inventory was stocked and ready for use. Moreover, the team at Air Force base began searching for a system that could simultaneously track equipment that had to be maintained on standby. In addition, federal guidelines needed to be met in tracking all inventories—batch-lot, serialized, standard, non-inventory, and serialized with quantity.

ASAP Systems recommended a complete system, a configurable and automated asset and inventory tracking solution, along with barcode labels and mobile barcode scanners. Thus, the Air Force Base is now more dependable for the stewardship of equipment and stock inventory levels under their control — federally-mandated supplies like medication, supplies in multiple bags, and ICU equipment.

With his inventory automated using our powerful inventory System, Captain Fowler’s tasks became less stressful, freeing up valuable time for other significant responsibilities. All equipment is now managed in an automated fashion so that he can focus on what is important, like transporting critically ill patients. With the system’s easy-to-use and configurable reporting functionality, all statistics on inventory-related projects are now successfully distributed throughout the Air Force Base: what is being used, what is expired, usage cost, equipment used versus what is not, how much missions cost in terms of supplies used, stock issued for each mission, and cost of supplies used up.

“I could not have done this and all of the other requirements I had without this program… the program is so successful, and I will continue to refer it to multiple departments throughout the Air Force,” says Captain Fowler. “ASAP Systems’ Inventory System and Asset Tracking Solution monitors and tracks all of our equipment and supplies, and it fully automates the process. Thus, I am free to do all my other work.”

“We work with many departments within the Department of Defense and armed forces of the United States,” says Elie Jean Touma, President, and CEO of ASAP Systems. “Our inventory and asset tracking system work in a number of military institutions across the world because our system can be configured and catered to many situations and implementations within vast and diverse operations ranging from medical supplies, equipment, tools and stock inventory.”

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