Inventory System and Asset Tracking Solution

The Top 6 Inventory Tracking Mistakes at Schools


Managing inventory manually can be burdensome and ineffective. However, some schools are still adopting this method. Educational institutions oversee a multitude of stock items, ranging from whiteboard markers and erasers to laptops and SMART Boards. Managing these assets without an established Asset Tracking Solution can be incredibly difficult. Not only is managing such a large amount of stock difficult, but it also risks costly errors. ASAP Systems, the leader in Inventory System and Asset Tracking solutions based in the United States, is here to help you avoid making these Top 6 Inventory Management Mistakes at Schools.

Why is an Inventory System Essential?

An Inventory System is vital for ensuring that your school’s inventory management needs are met. Schools have two types of stock: educational materials equipment and supplies. These supplies cost money if they are sitting in a warehouse unused. These goods include electronics that quickly become outdated and no longer viable, or cleaning supplies needing proper management.

Educational institutions change to keep up with the new generation. By establishing a plan to organize your supplies, you will be able to stay current and maximize stock proficiency.

The Top 6 Inventory Management Mistakes at Schools:

  •    Lost Assets: Equipment in constant circulation is the primary cause of lost Assets. Although you know the name of the first person to check out a certain item, it might end up being exchanged by several people. Not only does this result in time searching for the missing product, but it may also cause purchasing a replacement for the article.
  •   Insufficient Accountability: Manual records do not give you a summary of the physical or technical condition of a passed down item. With Asset Tracking Solutions, there is a  record that specifies the state of an article and to whom it was given.
  •    Asset Negligence: Not only does Asset Tracking Solutions manage physical inventory, but it also tracks maintenance schedules and/or warranties. With this efficiency, it is much easier to plan for the future.
  •    Incorrect Data Entry: Documenting data manually has a high possibility of human error, ranging from typos to inaccurate amounts.
  •    Undetermined Ownership of Assets: In the past school personnel has labeled items by writing or stamping the identified information. However, this does not track movement. Furthermore, it may be erased or worn off. Asset Tracking allows needed mobility.
  •    Unsuccessful Facilities Management: Facility inventory is also essential for efficient management. Without appropriate inventory management your school risks system breakdowns or malfunctions. Tracking facility inventory optimizes good management.

How an Inventory System Helps:

  •    It helps you avoid product expiration: Manage cleaning agents based on expiration dates to avoid product waste.
  •    It facilitates inventory status reports: Know the number of items in your stock and their location in the storage room, as well as who is using what equipment.
  •    It saves you money: Avoid overstocking by knowing exactly how much stock you have, which saves storage space and money. This also helps you be prepared for stock turnovers and the replacement of obsolete items.
  •    Minimize disposal of assets: Discard less of your property by having knowledge of your inventory and thus avoiding over stockings.
  •    It helps keep your assets in top shape: Keep tabs on the condition of your stock items with ASAP Systems maintenance schedules.
  •    It helps you use limited resources effectively: Identify other uses or purposes for assets that are not used often by monitoring utilization. For example, preserve these resources by leasing them when not employed.

And so much more…

How ASAP Systems Implements these Benefits:

ASAP Systems improves your stock organization with its highly configurable and fully automated Inventory Management and Asset Tracking Solutions. It ensures that your specific needs are met, no matter the size of your school by offering the following features:

  •    Barcode Generators and Scanners: Staff is able to use their mobile devices like barcode scanners to keep track of supplies. This facilitates physical inventory, offering the ability to easily send items and obtain new arrivals of stock. In addition, it transmits reports regarding equipment type, quantity, and location, among other information.
  •    Track Assets on the Go: Managers can track their inventory from the desktop application or the mobile application so that they always remain up to date.
  •    Maintenance: With email or text message alerts, you can be notified when your equipment needs maintenance. You can either schedule regular maintenance checks or use the information as needed.
  •    Check out and Check-In: This feature will give you even more control over your assets by letting you know exactly who has what, what condition it is in, and when it is due back. This helps prevent lost or misplaced equipment.
  •    Multiple Site Support: Whether in a single school or district, ASAP Systems supports the management of everything no matter where it is or where you are.

ASAP Systems gives you the ability to track every asset from a box of paperclips to computers, to personnel. Our system is extremely user-friendly assuring ease of use for all. ASAP Systems’ Inventory System and Asset Tracking Solution will surely help you save time and money, and will increase overall productivity.

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